Photo: Roulette TV. "Speaking With the Dead," Long Tube Interface. Roulette, NYC. 2010.
Brenda Hutchinson was born in Trenton, New Jersey and is a composer and sound artist whose work is based on the cultivation and encouragement of openness in her own life and in those she works with.

Through her work with large-scale experiments in socially based improvisations and encounters, Brenda has developed a body of work based on a perspective about interacting with the public and non-artists through personal, reciprocal engagement with listening and sounding. She continues to explore and share with others the conceptual, aesthetic and relational possibilities that arise from this type of activity.

Brenda has also spent the past 3 decades singing into a 9 1/2 foot tube and has designed a gestural interface for the Long Tube and MAX/MSP. Recently, she developed a sound initiated drawing interface and assistive device to work with memory and cognitive impairment and has released an app version called Soundrawing.

aka Groucho Parx, Brenda is a member of the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse in Second Life.

Photo: Amy Snyder. Arriving at The Exploratorium "thebellproject," San Francisco, CA. 2006

She has presented her work at international festivals in New Zealand, Europe, Latin America and Canada. Venues in the United States include the Lincoln Center, Merkin Concert Hall and The Kitchen in New York and New Langton Arts, The Lab and The Exploratorium in San Francisco.

Brenda has produced work for National Public Radio's Soundprint and is the recipient of: Gracie Allen Award (2003) from American Women in Radio and Television for "Violet Flame" (Re:Sound #4 The Investigation Show and #57 The Seeking Show), Ucross Residency Award and Montalvo Artist Residency. She has received commissions from the Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust, Meet the Composer/Reader's Digest, National Endowment for the Arts, and McKnight Foundation, among others. Brenda has been an artist in residence at San Quentin Prison, Headlands Center for the Arts, Harvestworks, The Exploratorium and Djerassi Resident Artists Program.

Recordings of her work are available through TELLUS, DEEP LISTENING,
THE AERIAL, O.O. DISCS, FROG PEAK MUSIC and Leonardo Music Magazine.



"dailybell Summer Solstice 2023 " Sunset Ferry River Crossing. MAKE MUSIC NEW YORK. East River, NY.

Equinox performance of "tree piece #66 ambient bird 4:33" by Wendy Reid. Long Tube with ensemble and lulu- Wendys grey parrot. LIVE OAK PARK. Berkeley, CA.

"Music from the Fault Zone", Performing short tube with bionic interface for "Dreams of Pauline" with Ione, Anne Hege and Jennifer Willsey. Video by Norman Lowrey. "Spirit Catchers" by Annea Lockwood with performing with Sarah Cahill, Laetitia Sonami and Pamela Z. MILLS COLLEGE, Oakland CA.

"Star Strangled Banner" ART CAKE GALLERY. Opening of "rivers, threads, folds" an installation by Wolf Tones (Nancy Shaver, Sterrett Smith, Maximillian Goldfarb, Pradeep Dalal). Brooklyn, NY.

"In Memorium Bonnie Sherk " by Linda Montano. Long Tube performance with Carol Sachal. SAN FRANCISCO ART INSTITUTE. San Francisco, CA.

"dailybell Summer Solstice 2022" Bell ringing celebration crossing on the East River on the NYC Ferry at sunset.

"Delicate Lights" from Sentences. Text: Bob Gregory. SUBTROPICS 2021. Miami, FL.

"Bird and Bell Sunset Duet" from dailybell 10/11/20. WORLD LISTENING DAY 2021: The Unquiet Earth.

Long Tube performance "Birds Without Borders" by Wendy Reid. HOLY NAMES UNIVERSITY. Oakland CA.

"Sidewalk Sunsets 3/11/20 to 6/15/21" Audio and video documentation of 460 consecutive days of community bellringing (from beginning to end of official San Francisco COVID restrictions). Extension of ongoing dailybell project.

"GOING UNDER for Jackie" by Chris Brown. Perforrmed with Anne Perez, Sudhu Tewari, Carly McLane, Brendan Glasson and Chris Brown. Oakland, CA.

"Covid Coping Mechanisms: A Virtual Variety Show. " Collaborative performance with students, faculty staff and community. MILLS COLLEGE. Oakland, CA. Streaming and live interactive performance on zoom.

"dailybell: covid Summer Solstice" KALW AND LOCAL COMMUNITY invitational sunset bell ringing and on-air "Revolutions per Minute" broadcast with Sarah Cahill.

"10,000 Things" for Erik Ehn's "Emergence of Joy "project. CAL STATE EAST BAY. Hayward, CA.
Photo: Autumn Equinox Sunset River Crossing 2018. Governors Island Ferry. East River. NY.

Long Tube performance "Ambient Bird 4:33 "by Wendy Reid. FRANK OGAWA PLAZA. Oakland, CA.

"Instrumentarium" C4NM Benefit with Krys Bobrowski and Karen Stackpole. CENTER FOR NEW MUSIC. SF, CA.

"dailybell(2008)" community performances. Summer Solstice Garden of Memory 2019, CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES. Oakland, CA. Autumn Equinox 2019, FERRIES FROM GOVERNORS ISLAND to Manhattan and Broooklyn. NYC

"Wordplay" from "Liquid Sky" for soundtrack "Black Film" by jacek rys. Harvestworks, Governors Island, NYC.

"Never Walk Alone" In Memory of William Hutchinson. ADOBE BOOKS. San Francisco, CA.

"Avatar Orchestra Metaverse" Performing as Groucho Parx. Networked performance at LA CASA ENCIDIDA in Madrid, Spain.

"dailybell(2008)" community performances. Summer Solstice Garden of Memory 2018, CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES. Oakland, CA. Autumn Equinox, FERRIES FROM GOVERNORS ISLAND to Manhattan and Broooklyn. NYC

"Sonify Your Birthday." for Pauline Oliveros. Invitational web-based project. STILL LISTENING- A series of Events in Memory of Pauline Oliveros. International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation. McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

"Frog Haiku #62" (for 17 audience members). Premiere performance: SAVE THE FROGS benefit concert. Part of Wendy Reid's Tree Piece #62 "Frogpond 433". Berkeley Arts Festival. Berkeley, CA.

"soundrawing app" Released app on iTunes. Worked with artist and programmer Darren Gibbs to adapt SoundTracks interface to app for iPad.

"What Can You Do?" Interactive public engagement and performance. BETA COLLIDE. Premiere performance: Pioneer Courthouse Square and Place Gallery. Portland, OR.

"dailybell(2008)" Ongoing practice and performance.
"What Can You Do? " 2012. Photo: Molly Barth- still from video.

"For the Birds" Short tube duet with Krys Bobrowski for opening of Joanna Poethig's mural, "Humming With Life" Civic Center Post Office. San Francisco, CA.

"Solstice Improvisation and Sunset bell ringing." Vorticella. dailybell with audience. CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES. Oakland, CA

"Tower Ring"Bell Mistress in Pauline Oliveros' piece at Ann Hamilton's Tower. Steve Oliver's Ranch. Geyserville, CA. "Bare Bones Crow" Collaboration with choreographer Evangel King. RAW & UNCUT SHOWCASE. The Garage, San Francisco, CA.

"Interlude from Voices of Reason" Looking At Music 3.0. MUSEUM OF MODERN ART. New York, NY. Group show.

"Sonic Suit" Short Tube Duet with Bob Marsh. OUTSOUND NEW MUSIC SUMMIT. San Francisco, CA.

"Avatar Orchestra Metaverse" Performing as Groucho Parx. NAISA (New Adventures in Sound Art). SOUNDplay Festival 2010. Toronto, Canada.

"Oedipus After Colonus" Play by Robert Kelly. Original live electronic score. Here Art Center, NYC; Byrdcliffe Theater, Woodstock, NY.

"Speaking With The Dead" Solo performance with Long Tube Interface (minus the Long piece), ultrasonic microphones and autobiographic material. Roulette, NYC. Interview on Roulette TV

"Tiny Offerings" Collaborative performance event where each person who attends is invited to make an offering to everyone else. Working with artists/farmers at Project Grow. OPEN ENGAGEMENT- SEA Change Gallery, Portland, OR. Roulette, NYC.

2009: Long Tube with Gestural Interface Improvisations.
BEACON EVENTS. DIA BEACON, NY. Residency and collaboration with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. EVENTS IN HONOR OF MERCE- MEMORIAL, Park Avenue Armory, NYC. Improvised live score with Curtis Bahn, Christian Marclay, Ikue Mori, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta, Larry Polansky, Christian Wolff.
"Erasure" SUBTROPICS 20 Festival; Miami Beach, FLA. Sounds From The Weave. STEDMAN GALLERY, Rutgers University, Camden NJ; SOUNDLAB NEW MEDIA FEST 2010. Cologne, Germany.

2008: "SoundTracks." Collaboration with Ann Chamberalin. INTERACTIVE. Continuous line, animated drawings with sound. Villa Montalvo. Creative Growth. San Francisco and Oakland, CA. Possibility of action: The Life of the Score. MACBA DOCUMENTATION CENTER OF BARCELONA. Maker Faire, SAN MATEO COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS.

Equinox Crossing the Delaware "dailybell2008" Still from video. September 22, 2020

"dailybell2008" was the inaugural year in an ongoing project dedicated to the observation of the sun every time it crosses the horizon and to sharing the awareness of that moment with others. Performed at cities through United States and international sites include Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Israel. Blog at

2007: "Let's Just See What Happens." Improvisations for Long Tube and Gestural Interface. NIME Festival, New York, NY.

"Etudes for Long Tube." ROULETTE, New York, NY.

2006: "The Fun Show." INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE / COMMUNITY IMPROVISATION. Created variety show with the communities of Delhi, Stanford, Jefferson and W. Kortright in Upstate New York. West Kortright Centre. E. Meredith, NY.

"The Bell Project." Cross-country PERFORMANCE. Towed, rang and solicited ringers for a 250 lb. cast iron schoolbell through the Northeast, East, West and Gulf Coasts and Southern United States. Blog at

2004: "Star Strangled Banner with George." IMPROVISATION of the national anthem on the Long Tube using getural interface with vocal samples of this administration’s politicians. VIGIL FOR TAHE FALLEN, Union Square, LINCOLN CENTER OUT OF DOORS, HOWL FESTIVAL, Firefly Cinema, New York, NY. WELLSTONE CAMP, San Francisco CA.

2003: "Long Tube with Frogs and Insects." MUSICA METRONOM. Barcelona and Alicante, Spain. CHAPEL OF THE CHIMES. Oakland, CA. DEEP LISTENING SPACE. Kingston, NY. MERIDIAN GALLERY. San Francisco, CA.
"Nothing Like Dreaming." Sound design: Feature length FILM by Nora Jacobson.

2002: "Fisherman Plunk." Music and sound design: ANIMATION by Laurence Arcadias.
"(New) Violet Flame." Sound documentary commissioned for RADIO by Soundprint. Broadcast on NPR.

2001: "Star Strangled Banner." IMPROVISATION of the national anthem on the Long Tube. OUGHT-ONE Festival. Montpelier, VT.
"Fire In the House. Part 3: Passing." COLLABORATION with choreographer Evangel King. EIGHTH STREET STUDIOS. National Dance Week, Berkeley, CA.

Vorticella 2014. Krys Bobrowski, Erin Esplenade, Karen Stackpole and Brenda Hutchinson
2000: "Go Through Walls and Stuff Like That." Commissioned by the Deep Listening Band for LINCOLN CENTER OUT OF DOORS. NY, NY. First PERFORMANCE of Long Tube with gestural interface.
"Vagabond Vaudeville." INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE / COMMUNITY IMPROVISATION . Created traveling variety show with the communities of Effie, Bigfork, Togo and Marcell in rural Minnesota.
"How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? - the journey." RADIO. Sound documentary commissioned by Soundprint.

1999: "Live from the Faulturum: duet with Martin Slawig." KLANGART FESTIVAL '99, Osnabruk, Germany.

1998: "Vorticella: Improvisation Ensemble." BARACKE, MUSIKRAUM, Berlin; AKADEMIE SCHLOß SOLITUDE, Stuttgart.
How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?" Piano, voice and tape. Premiere performance by Blue Gene Tyranny. MERKIN CONCERT HALL. New York, NY.

1997 - present: "Vorticella: Improvisation Ensemble." First PERFORMANCE with Vorticella. Hotel UTAH.

1996: "How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?" INTERACTIVE PERFORMANCE . Cross country journey with piano in a U-Haul. Recorded performances and stories.
"Every Dream Has Its Number." PERFORMANCE. Giant Music box, voice and tape. SOUNDCULTURE. New Langton, SF, CA.
"Mortal Kristmas." SOUND DESIGN. Interactive Christmas Card, ANIMATION by Laurence Arcadias, Hotwired- Animation Express.

1996-99: CONVIVIAL DESIGN AND PURPLE MOON. Conceived original SOUND DESIGN for Secret Paths and Rockett series of games for girls.

Photo: Susan Schwartzenberg. "EEEYAH!" Brenda Hutchinson. 1989.

1995: "White Density" - Choreographer: Nancy Zendora. PERFORMANCE with Long Tube. VIA BAHIA FESTIVAL, Salvador, Brazil.

1993: "Long Tube Trio." First PERFORMANCE of Long Tube with taped accompaniment.

1992: "Kaninpais." COLLABORATION with Native American singer, Julian Lang. HEADLANDS CENTER FOR THE ARTS, Sausalito, CA.
"Everyone Was A Captain." INSTALLATION. MEMORY AND AGING. Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, NY.
"Giant Music Box with washers." INSTALLATION. Large, interactive mechanical music box #2. Permanent collection BAY AREA DISCOVERY MUSEUM

1991: "Voices of Reason." PERFORMANCE. Giant Music Box, electronics and tape. ROULETTE, New York, NY.

"Long Tube Solo #1." First PERFORMANCE with Long Tube instrument. NEW MUSIC AMERICA. Montreal, Canada.
"Norris and America the Beautiful." PERFORMANCE. Giant Music Box and tape. Recordings made during one year residency at Morningside Outpatient Center. NEW MUSIC AMERICA. Montreal, Canada.
"Giant Music Box with pins." INSTALLATION. Large, interactive mechanical music box #1. THE EXPLORATORIUM. San Francisco, CA

1990 - present: "Long Tube." Exploration and development of 9 1/2 foot tube into musical instrument. Initially the Long Tube was
performed as a solo acoustic instrument. It was further expanded to include performances with other instrumentalists and dancers, and by 1997, I had joined the improvisation ensemble Vorticella. In 2000, I developed a gestural interface for the Long Tube and computer to incorporate live sampling, playback and processing during performance.

1989: "EEEYAH!" PERFORMANCE. Voice, bass drum and bell.Collaboration with choreographer Nancy Zendora. DIA. New York, NY.

1988: "Fly Away All." OPERA commissioned by Minnesota Opera New Music Theater Ensemble. Libretto: Ted Shank

"Storytime." RADIO: mbient sounds and pre-recorded stories about my grandmother.
Interlude from Voices of Reason TAPE. Electronics and pre-recorded stories. Recordings made during a 2 year residency at
Bronx State Psychiatric Hospital. TELLUS #9, Audio Cassette Magazine.

1982: "Liquid Sky." FILM score: co-composed with Clive Smith
"Apple Etudes." TAPE & PERFORMANCE. Live voice, pre-recorded stories and ambiences. Recordings made in public places and on the streets of NYC over a two year period THE EXPLORATORIUM, San Francisco, CA.

1979: "A Grandmother's Song..."TAPE & PERFORMANCE. Live voice, pre-recorded stories of my grand parents and ambiences.
UC San Diego, San Diego, CA.


Giant Music Boxes. Center for New Music. Window Gallery. San Francisco, CA. 2017.

2019: "Giant Music Box with pins" SPIRIT OF INVENTION. Bridge Artspace. Richmond, CA.

2018: "Giant Music Box with Washers." Acquired for permanent collection by SWISS SCIENCE CENTER TECHNORAMA. Winterthur, Switzerland.

2017: "Giant Music Box with Washers" SOUND CHECK. Science Gallery. Dublin, Ireland

2014: "Giant Music Boxes and the Long Tube" Installation. The Window Gallery. CENTER FOR NEW MUSIC. San Francisco, CA.

2010: Occupied 1 of 59 bell stations along the High Line in Stephen Vitiello's piece commissioned by Creative Time, Friends of the High Line and the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. "A Bell for Every Minute."

2004 - 2008: "Giant Music Box with washers." PLAY IT BY EAR. National Tour of Science and Childrens Museums.

2000, 2003: "Giant Music Box with washers." PLAY IT BY EAR. Permanent Collection. Bay Area Discovery Museum. Sausalito, CA

1999: "Giant Music Box with pins." SINUSOIDAL. SF State University Gallery. San Francisco, CA.
"Giant Music Box with washers." SOUNDS LIKE ART. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. San Francisco, CA.
"Giant Music Box with washers." PLAY IT BY EAR. Bay Area Discovery Museum. Sausalito, CA

1995: "Giant Music Box with pins." HOMEMADE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Lincoln Center Out Of Doors, NY.

1994: "Whistling Walls and Windows." Collaboration with Michael Olexo. SITE AS MUSIC. Secession Gallery,SF, CA.

1993: "Giant Music Box with washers." PLEASE TOUCH: Interactive Sculpture and Video.Bedford Gallery, Walnut Cr, CA.

1992: "Listen for a Change." JOURNEYS. SF Bus Shelters and Mission Science Workshop, SF, CA.
"Norris." Elevator shaftway installation. CAUGHT IN A BOX, Art in General, NYC.
"Everyone Was A Captain." MEMORY AND AGING. Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, NY.
"Giant Music Box with washers." Interactive Exhibit, large mechanical music box. THE EXPLORATORIUM, San Francisco, CA.

1991: Excerpts from "Apple Etudes." Elevator shaftway installation. SHOOTING BACK: Photography by and about the Homeless, Art in General, NYC.
"EEEYAH!" Listening room. ELECTRO '91, Visual Studies Workshop, Rochester, NY.

1990: "Giant Music Box with pins." Interactive Exhibit Prototype. THE EXPLORATORIUM. San Francisco, CA.


2016: Residency. Charlotte Street Foundation. Evening presentation and performances. Public Engagement event with passerbys in downtown Kansas City, MO.

2014: "Soundfield". Collaboration with Krys Bobrowski and Oakland Public Schools. AEOLIAN DAY. Middle Harbor Shoreline Park, Oakland, CA.

2012: Going the Extra Mile Award. Palliative and End of Life Care Program. Jewish Family and Children's Services. San Francisco, CA

2010: Artist in Residence. Project Grow. Sea Change Gallery. Portland, OR.

2007: Outstanding Collaboration. LINCOLN CENTER OUT OF DOORS. New York, NY

Lucas Artist Residency Award. VILLA MONTALVO. Saratoga, CA.
Gracie Allen Award. American Women in Radio and Television. (l) Roz Abrams, (c) Brenda Hutchinson, (r) I'll find out. 2003.

2004: Ucross Residency Award. Ucross Foundation. Clearmont, WY.

2003: Gracie Allen award . "New Violet Flame." American Women in Radio and Television. New York, NY.

15th Golden Award of Montreux 2003. "Fisherman Plunk." CD-ROM and Website for "Croatian Tales of Long Ago."

2002: Flash Forward 2002 Award. "Fisherman Plunk." CD-ROM and Website for "Croatian Tales of Long Ago'"

2001: Individual Artist Fellowship. California Arts Council - Media. Sacramento, CA.

1999-2000: McKnight Visiting Composer. "Vagabond Vaudeville." American Composers' Forum. Minneapolis, MN.

1999: Individual Artist Grant. Media. "How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?- the journey." SF Arts Commission. Cultural Equities Grant. San Francisco, CA.

1996: Meet The Composer and Harvestworks. Commission. "How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?" New York, NY.

1995: Englehard Foundation. Artist in Residence. Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

1994: NEA Media Arts and New American Radio. Commission. "Every Dream Has Its Number." New York, NY.

1994: Travel Fund for US Artists at International Festivals & Exhibitions. New Zealand, Montreal.
Headlands Center for the Arts. Affiliate Artist. Sausalito, CA.

1993: Mills College, Center for Contemporary Music. Artist in Residence. Oakland, CA.
Djerassi Foundation. Artist in Residence. Woodside, CA.
California Arts Council. Garden Project. Artist in the Community. San Francisco, CA.
Harvestworks. Artist in Residence. New York, NY.

1992: Meet The Composer / Readers' Digest and New American Radio. Violet Flame. New York, NY.
Snug Harbor Cultural Center. Artist in Residence. Staten Island, NY.
Pauline Oliveros Foundation. Artist in Residence. Kingston, NY.
NEA InterArts. "Listen For A Change." Collaboration with Ann Chamberlain, David Izu, Julian Lang, Ulysses Jenkins and Yolanda Lopez. Intersection for the Arts. San Francisco, CA.

1991: NYFA. Performance Art / Emergent Forms Fellowship. New York.
Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust. Commission. Roulette. New York.
Headlands Center for the Arts. Artist in Residence. Sausalito, CA.

1990: NEA. Music Commission. Intermedia Art Foundation/ New Music America.
NYSCA. Media Grant/ Collaboration with Robert Gregory. New York.

1985: NYFA. Performance Art / Emergent Forms Fellowship. New York.

Charlotte Bailey. "Vagabond Vaudeville." Marcell, MN. 2000.


2022: Presentation. So Percussion Summer Institute for Andrea Mazzariello. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, Princeton NJ.

2015: Composition Colloquium. UC Santa Cruz Colloquium Series. UC SANTA CRUZ, Santa Cruz, CA.

2014: Sound, Listening and Public Engagement. Artist Talk. Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous. Univ. of San Francisco, SF, CA.

2011 - present: San Mateo Community College. Lecturer. Introduction to Electronic Music. San Mateo, CA.

2010: Composition Colloquium. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Colloquium Series. Princeton, NJ.

SoundTracks interactive demonstration. INSTITUTE FOR NEUROPALLIATIVE REHABILITATION. Music Technology: Solutions to Challenges: The interface between music, engineering, special needs and neuroscience. London, England.

Colloquium Presentation: SoundTracks. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Palo Alto, CA.

Meridian Interns Program. MERIDIAN GALLERY. San Francisco, CA.

2009 - 2011: Volunteer, ARTZ- Artists For Alzheimers. New York, NY.

2008 - 2012: Sounds Elemental. Executive Producer and Instructor. Workshop and podcast. ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENTS IN RADIO. Harvestworks. New York.

2008 - 2019: Volunteer, Hospice and Palliative Care. JEWISH FAMILY AND CHILDRENS SERVICES. San Francisco, CA.

2007 - 2015 :Board of Trustees. PAULINE OLIVEROS FOUNDATION. Kingston, NY

2003 - 2008: Secretary. INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE OF WOMEN IN MUSIC Board of Directors.
Advisor and Consultant. Sound and Listening. THE EXPLORATORIUM. San Francisco, CA.

2001 - 2007: Music Faculty. Milton Avery Graduate School at Bard College. Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.

2003 - 2006 :Visiting Associate Professor. Electronic Music. Bard College. Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.

2002 - 2004: Meridian Gallery. Artist in Residence. Intern Program. San Francisco, CA.

2001: Guest Lecturer. InterArts. San Francisco State University. San Francisco, CA.

2000: Visiting Associate Professor of Composition. Oberlin Conservatory of Music. Oberlin, OH.
Artist in Residence. San Quentin Prison. San Quentin Village, CA.
Artist in Residence. Dartmouth Music Department and Bregman Electronic Music Studio. Hanover, NH.

1998, 99 & 2001: Guest Lecturer with Ann Chamberlain. SF Art Institute. San Francisco, CA.

1998: Sound Designer. Special Projects. Purple Moon Media. San Francisco, CA.

1997-2000: Guest Lecturer. The Exploratorium. San Francisco, CA.

1997-98: Guest Lecturer. Spring. Mills College. Oakland, CA

1995, 97, 99, 2003, & 05:
Curator: Homemade Musical Instruments: Lincoln Center Out Of Doors. New York, NY.

1995-1996: Senior Sound Designer. Convivial Design, San Francisco, CA.
Guest Instructor. Mission Science Workshop, San Francisco, CA.

1994: Guest Instructor. California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA.

1980-1993: Audio Engineer. Instructor. Studio PASS, NYC.

1982-1992: Sound Perception Project Co-director. Artist in the Schools. Video Producer. Exhibit Builder. The
Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA.

Photo: Pei Yu. "How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?" Birmingham, MI. 1996.


Process + Place. Headlands at 40.
"Brenda Hutchinson 1982- 1991" personal essay
Edited by Gabrielle Coloma, René de Guzman, Alison Konecki, Ann Meisinger and Mari Robles.
Published by Headlands Center for the Arts. ©2023

"SoundTracks" contribution to collection of essays by former artists in residence
"Hello, Goodbye, Hello" for the Sally and Don Lucas Artists Residency Program.
Edited by Donna Conwell
Published by Montalvo Arts Center. © 2023

Undocumented event and object permanence.
Curated by Bjorn Magnhildoen
"Sound, Listening and Public Engagement"
biennale no. 2020. Spring 2020

Musik Texte: Zeitschrift FŸr Neue Musik. Heft 152. February.
Remembering Pauline Oliveros
"Was hat das mit Musikzu tun?" (translated from English into German for this publication) ©2017
Verlag Musik Text. Kšln.
ISSN 0178-8884

Ear / Wave / Event. Issue Two. Listening?
Edited by Bill Dietz and Woody Sullender.
"Sound, Listening and Public Engagement" ©2015

"soundrawing" ©2013
app for iTunes. Adapted from "SoundTracks" interface for iOS by Darren Gibbs

"What Can You Do?: reclaiming public space through direct engagement with strangers" ©2012
Blurb, Inc. ISBN 978-0-9859372-0-1

"Tiny Offerings" ©2010
Deep Listening Anthology II: Scores from the Deep Listening Community.
Edited by Marc Jensen
Deep Listening Publications. ISBN 978-1-889471-17-4

eContact! 12.4. Perspectives on the Electroacoustic Work.
Canadian Electroacoustic Community
"Sound Initiated Drawing and Memory Impairment" ©2009

"Turaluralura Lament" Homo Sonorus: An International Anthology of Sound Poetry
Edited / Curated by Dmitry Bulatov
The National Center for Contemporary Art
Kaliningrad Branch. © 2001

"How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?" FROG PEAK MUSIC, LTD. Hanover, NH.

"Storytime.""Every Dream Has Its Number." FAMILY ALBUM. CD VOYS #5, Minneapolis, MN.

"LongTubes: Solos and Duets." Self Published. Available - DEEP LISTENING FOUNDATION. Kingston, NY.

Exploratorium Quarterly, Winter 1986,
"Don't Stop the Music", volume 10, issue 4.
ISSN 0889-8197

"Every Dream Has Its Number." "Violet Flame." NEW AMERICAN RADIO.


"EEEYAH!." AERIAL #4, CD collection of audio works. Nonsequitur Foundation, Santa Fe, NM.
"Vanishing Act." Collaboration with Constance De Jong: text. SITE-LESS SOUNDS, CD Tellus #25, NYC.

Excerpts from "Fly Away All"," Storytime", "Apple Etudes", "Voices of Reason", "EEEYAH!." SELDOM STILL, a cassette compilation of selected works from 1982-1989, NYC.

"Waltz" from "Voices of Reason." SOUNDWAVES AUDIO ART SHOW, distributed to radio stations in NY, Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

"Slow Death on a Thorny Rose." Collaboration with Gerald Lindahl. TELLUS Audio Cassette Magazine #16, NYC.

"Interlude" from "Voices of Reason." TELLUS Audio Cassette Magazine #9, NYC.

"Liquid Sky." Co-composed with Clive Smith. VARESE SARABANDE.

Photo: Lisa Buford. "What Can You Do?" Hockey Check. North Beach, San Francisco, CA. 2014


1979: MA in Music Composition. University of California San Diego. La Jolla, CA.

1977: Stanford University. Summer Workshop in Computer Music. Palo Alto, CA.

1976: BFA in Music. Carnegie-Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA.

1974-75: Goldsmiths College. Music Composition, History and Conducting. London, England.


"Socially Engaged Listening and Sounding in the Music of Brenda Hutchinson and David Mahler "
Alex Wand. UC Santa Cruz. 2021

"How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall? "
Jason Moran exhibition catalog. Walker Art Center.
D.A.P. Exclusive. Catalog: Spring 2018.

" A Study of Brenda Hutchinson's piece How Do You Get To Carnegie Hall?"
Elisabeth Claire Hall
University of Oklahoma. 2010

" The Feminine Musique: Multimedia and Women Today and "On Writing for Multimedia"
"Sabrina Pe–a Young. 2009
ISBN 978-0-557-08403-6

" Ethnographic Experimentalism: The Politics of Representation in Brenda Hutchinson's Music"
Louise Chernosky
Columbia University. 2007

Album Cover. "Liquid Sky." film release 1982.

"Liquid Sky: Cult Cinema, Film Scoring, And The Fairlight CMI"
Courtenay Gallon
The Florida State University College of Music. 2007

Crossing the Line: Women Composers and Music Technology.
Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner
Burlington, VT. Ashgate, 2006

The Open Space Magazine
Mary Lee Roberts
"Being Around Brenda Hutchinson"
Spring 2001, issue 3

New Grove Dictionary
Philip Croydon, ed.
"Brenda Hutchinson"
Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2001

Women and Music in America since 1900: An Encyclopedia
Kristine Burns, ed. 2001
"Brenda Hutchinson," Jeffery Byrd

American Music in the 20th Century, Kyle Gann
Chapter 13: Totalism and the 1990's
Schirmer Books, 1997

P-form Magazine 33, fall 1994,
Vanguard Composers in San Francisco, Charles Boone.

Leonardo Music Journal 1993, MIT Press,
Vocal Neighborhoods: A Walk Through the Post-Sound Poetry Landscape, Larry Wendt, volume 3.
ISSN 0961-1215

Howard Pitzen. "Vagabond Vaudeville." Marcell, MN. 2000.